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Appuntamento in Nero (Mary Lindstrom)

4689   2 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
4689   2 years ago
aka Appointment in Black. A thriller with lots of twists and turns interspersed with numerous explicit sex scenes mainly of sexy blonde actress Mary Lindstrom. There's rape, murder, blackmail, deceit and betrayals as the plot gets thicker and thicker towards the last 30 minutes of the film. STORY: Dr. John Baldwin (Andy Forest) is a wealthy career diplomat married to a retired brunette model Angela (Mireille Banthy). Their marriage however is on the rocks as Dr. Baldwin parades and makes love to his mistress sexy blonde model Eva (Mary Lindstrom) in front of Angela's eyes. Angela is not going to tolerate her husband's affair with Eva without extracting a price out of their relationship. So she cooks up a deceptive plan which involves her faking being raped and molested by a theatre projectionist (Franco Citti) hired by her to carry out the deed. Angela deliberately plans to get the attention of the media and the police to highlight the trouble she is in. If her husband Dr. Baldwin were to die, Angela would end up inheriting his fortune. Dr. Baldwin on the other hand has plans to kill Angela so that he can live with Eva without his wife bearing down on him. Then there is Angela's younger brother David who seemingly is in cahoots with Angela to get rid of Dr. Baldwin but David has his own greedy agenda. Towards the end, the movie picks up momentum reeling out twists and turns which the viewer least expects. Nothing is what it seems to be. If clever people think that they can get away with a perfect crime, they are badly mistaken. If the police don't get them, then fate will get them in the end. Actress Sophia Vivianson plays female police inspector investigating Angela's assault case, but she is too beautiful to be a police woman. An aged Marina Hedman plays theatre manageress who is present near the scene of Angela's supposed sexual assault.