3204 4 years ago 3204 4 years ago
aka Gynaikes Pou Zitousan Ton Erota. Two lesbians brunette Angela (Angela Gianou) and blonde Anna (Artemis Lavda) who are part-time call girls accept an invitation from a rich old businessman to have a night of fun at his house in Athens. Upon seeing that the old man has a huge pile of cash in his safe, the 2 lesbians kill him with a knife. They steal the old man's cash and then flee Athens to a nearby pleasure island by ferry. A disgruntled playboy named Phaedon (Harry Tryfonas) who runs the island's main hotel welcome the 2 ladies to stay at his hotel. Unbeknownst to the 2 ladies, Phaedon's older brother is a policeman named Dimitris who at the time of their arrival is unaware that a homicide has occurred within his jurisdiction. When the 2 ladies leave their hotel room to go to the beach, Phaedon ransacks their belongings and discovers the cash pile stolen from the rich old man. Phaedon steals the money and buries the cash up in the hills. Meanwhile Phaedon gets close to brunette Angela much to the chagrin of lesbian blonde lover Anna. In Athens, Dimitris is in charge of handling the case of the old man's murder. During the investigation, Dimitris finds the girls' calling card in the old man's house and he is now one step closer to solving the murder case.
cash in safe,
angela gianou,
artemis lavda,
harry tryfonas,
ilias mylonakos