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4074   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
4074   3 years ago
aka Sexy di Giorno Erotica di Notte. French actress Helene Shirley plays Bianca, a prostitute who has done well for herself and is on the verge of retirement unlike her 3 colleagues (Cathy Stewart, Elodie Delage and Mika Barthel) who still have to walk the streets in search of male customers. Bianca owns a posh house, 2 cars and can afford to wear expensive clothings. She has become a part time model and is still in demand for her services from old clients. She helps out her 3 colleagues whenever possible by sharing her clients with them. Italian director Lorenzo Onorati has opted for a slow burn approach for this porn film unlike the Alpha France movies which are fast moving and thick with action. (NOTE: Despite what the opening credits show, Sabrina M and Guia L Filzi are NOT in this movie. Only Bruno Chiodetti is in it.)