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Ilsa, Tigress of Siberia 1977 (Sub Ita) starring Dyanne Thorne

1659   4 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
1659   4 years ago
aka Ilsa, La Tigre del Sesso. In 1953 Siberia, Colonel Ilsa is the commandant of Gulag 14, a prison camp set up to rehabilitate anti - Stalin political prisoners. Sexy tigress Ilsa will use whatever means to turn around anti-Stalin prisoners, whether through torture, beheading, water boarding or simply feeding them to a ferocious tiger. One prisoner in particular attracts her attention .... Andrei Chicurin who refuses to be broken by her wardens. Even Ilsa offers her body to him but he rejects her. Then news reach the camp that Stalin has died and General Zerov, enemy of Ilsa, is coming to arrest her. Ilsa orders her guards to burn down the gulag with all the prisoners inside. However Chicurin escapes and Ilsa and her loyal bodyguards flee the camp to avoid arrest by General Zerov. 24 years later in 1977, Ilsa has settled down in Montreal and she has opened a brothel with close circuit camera to monitor her girls and the customers. In a strange coincidence, Andrei Chicurin shows up at the brothel. Frightened that Chicurin may know about her presence in Montreal, she has her men kidnapped him. However General Zerov has received info about Ilsa's wherabouts and his men are all ready to attack the brothel. In the ensuing battle Ilsa escapes in a jet ski with Chicurin hot on her trail.