1999 5 years ago 1999 5 years ago
aka The Wife in White. Peppino is a dentist who is saddled with financial debt due to his lavish lifestyle in keeping a mistress Anna Maria and indulging in gambling. Peppino's wealthy but sickly father Don Patane is very fond of grandson Gianluca (Peppino's son) but is dismayed that Gianluca is a girlish or effeminate person. Rumours going round the community say that Gianluca is gay. When Don Patane dies, the bulk of his fortune is given to Gianluca on condition that Gianluca must marry and produce a child within 1 year. Peppina searches desperately for a girl for Gianluca to marry. The Church recommends a novice nun Sonia to be married to Gianluca and it's up to Gianluca to make Sonia pregnant as fast as possible.