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4945   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
4945   3 years ago
aka Je Suis Frigide Pourquoi / I Am Frigid Why? Doris (Sandra Jullien) is a young virgin girl whose father is a gardener working for the rich Chambon family in Nice. Mr. Chambon's son Eric and daughter Carla are a spoilt incestuous bro sis couple who try to lure virgin Doris into their sex games. One day Eric with the help of sis Carla rapes and robs Doris of her virginity in the family's greenhouse. When Mr. and Mrs. Chambon learn of their son Eric's shameful act, they decide to compensate Doris by financing her education at an all girls boarding school. There Doris gets involved in a lesbian relationship with her roommate and discovers that she feels strangely uncomfortable and frigid. After boarding school, while at work she meets a theatrical director, Luc, and they fall in love but the relationship does not last long because of Doris' frigidity. Doris tries everything to cure her trauma of Eric's rape from taking part in orgies to becoming a call girl but to no avail. At last she consults a psychiatrist who tells her that she must revisit and confront the past event of her trauma. She returns to Nice to attend her father's funeral and at the beach in Nice she stumbles into Eric. Taking the psychiatrist advice, she confronts Eric who confesses to her that he cannot forget her. Apologizing to Doris, he says he loves her and Doris forgives him. When they make love, Doris feels all her tensions and frigidity melt away and she is convinced now that Eric is the right man for her.