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5625   3 years ago
Thunder | 37 subscribers
5625   3 years ago
aka Medieval Erotico. Margot (Alice Arno) and Yolande (Catherine Taillefere) are 2 sisters who practice witchcraft from their cabin deep in the French forest. Physically and sexually abused by their father Stober (Robert Le Ray) when they were young girls, Margot and Catherine have resorted to witchcraft as a means to fight evil with evil. The 2 of them abuse and rob wanderers and hunters who happen to cross their path in the forest. One day a young wanderer Eric comes to their cabin looking for food and water. Margot lets Eric put up in their cabin and falls in love with him upsetting younger sister Yolande but in the end the bond between the 2 sisters are stronger and Eric becomes their sacrificial lamb.